
Εύστοχοι και ανελέητοι στίχοι για τα στραβά και τους κακούς του κόσμου, μουσική με μεγάλο εύρος – συνήθως ιδανική για χορό και κοπάνημα.

0:00 Give the Anarchist a Cigarette, 3:30 Come On Baby (Let's Do the Revolution), 5:04 Bad Dog, 9:06 I'm Coming Out, 11:27 Mr. Heseltine Meets His Public, 15:04 Invasion, 20:07 Always Tell the Voter What the Voter Wants To Hear, 22:57 Adversity, 23:29 That's How Grateful We Are, 30:49 ...And In A Nutshell, 32:00 The Wasteland, 36:23 Enough Is Enough, 40:35 Homophobia, 44:23 Rappoport's Testament - I Never Gave Up, 51:03 Sometimes Plunder, 56:05 Timebomb, 59:30 Amnesia, 1:02:52 How to Get Your Band on Television, 1:08:55 The Police Have Been Wonderful, 1:11:07 Pinochet Bids Farewell From Beyond the Grave, 1:11:58 Jacob's Ladder, 1:15:11 William Francis, 1:18:40 On eBay, 1:22:20 Add Me, 1:25:46 Tubthumping, 1:29:00 Big Mouth Strikes Again, 1:33:45 Buy Nothing Day, 1:36:38 A Man Walks Into A Bar, 1:40:27 I'm With Stupid, 1:42:36 Untitled