
Αγγλικό πανκ των 90s από το συγκρότημα του βραχνού Frankie Stubbs. Του Μπάμπη Αργυρίου

0:00 Pale Moonlight, 3:24 I Want the Moon, 6:05 I Don't Want to be the One to Say It, 8:31 Not a Day Goes By, 11:07 Diego Garcia, 14:52 Daylight Comes, 17:41 Pandora's Box, 20:34 Don't Work, 23:41 Shipyards, 26:51 Talkin' bout a Revolution, 28:58 Little White God, 32:50 How Lonely, 35:22 Dustbin Modo, 37:28 Speak in Tongues, 40:33 Springtime, 43:34 Message in a Bottle, 47:05 Wallflower, 49:38 Hoodlum, 52:26 The Scheme of Things, 55:36 God is Dead, 59:10 Sour Grapes, 1:03:07 Hurt, 1:06:36 Nutcase, 1:09:16 Patrick Kills Me, 1:12:21 Heaven Sent