The New Christs

Η καλύτερη αντιπροσωπεία του Detroit Sound βρίσκεται στο Σύδνεϋ της Αυστραλίας. Του Μπάμπη Αργυρίου

0:00 Born Out of Time, 4:51 I Swear, 7:53 Like A Curse, 11:08 Another Sin, 14:32 You'll Never Catch My Wave, 16:51 Circus of Sour, 20:45 Dropping like Flies, 25:52 Sun God, 28:52 No Next Time, 31:06 No Way on Earth, 35:05 Addiction, 38:21 We Have Landed, 41:54 Sombrero, 44:35 Coming Apart, 47:28 Loves Underground, 50:21 Headin' South, 54:22 Dead Girl, 57:48 The Burning Of Rome, 1:02:34 These Rags, 1:07:02 Face a New God, 1:10:58 The Black Hole, 1:15:34 I Am the Half That's Left, 1:19:12 When, 1:21:55 Afterburn